Monday, April 29, 2013

True Life: My First Body Competition - SHOWTIME!!!!

Saturday: SHOWTIME!!!

Today is the day!  After 15 intense weeks of training…this is what it all boils down to!  As I lay there Friday night, sleeping was the last thing my body (or more so my mind) would let me do.  Finally, after about 3 hours of broken up sleep… all began!
4 am….my alarm goes off…After my HUGE meal last night and extra water, I packed on a few extra pounds and weighed in at 114 pounds…only a few more to put on before I hit the stage!  Along with my oatmeal and 4 egg whites, I had my meal additions of 4 oz steak and 4 oz sweet potatoes with loads of honey.  And then it was off to my first appointment…

6am – Make-up appointment – Neutral colors, but DARK eyes!!
7:30am – Hair appointment – Hair extensions with loose curls

8am – Meal 2: protein bar and protein shake
8:50am – final tan appointment at the event venue

10am – Competitors Meeting!!!
11am – Prejudging Begins – This is where all the decisions are made and where it is really time to show the judges whatcha got!!

11am – Meal 3:  Salad with Chicken
11:45am – Carb load before I go on stage!!!  Downed 4 oz sweet potatoes loaded with honey to fill out my abs!

12 noon – time to hit the stage!!  This is definitely the most exciting and nerve racking part of the whole day!!  Glutes high and tight and SMILE!!!
1pm - Went home to let the dog out and nap…I was surprised I could nap, but I have been soooo whipped out, that I fell asleep without any problems!

3pm – Meal 4: turkey burger and green beans
5pm – Competitors Meeting

6pm – Evening Show!!
6pm – Meal 5: chicken and veggies

7:45pm – Carb Load – rice cake with peanutbutter
8pm – SHOWTIME - I hit the stage for the glitz and glam and for the judges to announce places!

I placed 2nd in Bikini Novice and 2nd in Bikini Open!!!
1/14/13 – Before (these are pretty embarrassing)

4/27/13 – After

This whole experience has been the most draining and rewarding journey I have gone through and I would definitely do it again in a heartbeat!!  From the training, to the emotional roller coaster of peak week, to the glamorization process for the competition, I loved every minute of it!
Now it’s time for my ultimate cheat meal (Mexican!!!) before I hit training hard tomorrow, after all….Muscle Mayhem is only 5 weeks away!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

True Life: My First Body Competition - Peak Week!!!

Finally!!  After 14 weeks of intense training, I have reached the most important week of all….PEAK WEEK!!  This is the week prior to your body competition where everything you do is critical, from your nutrition and exercise, to your sleep schedule, to all the glitz and glam…this is where it all comes together!  As I go through my first peak week, I am going to detail out everything I do that is above and beyond my regular training plan…oh boy…here goes the most exciting and nerve racking week of this whole journey….

Peak Week Prep:  Prior to the start of Peak Week, prep all meals and get EVERYTHING you need!!!  You will probably have to pick up stuff you forgot throughout the week, but you MUST set yourself up for success!!
Supplies to buy in ADVANCE:   Xpel (water pill), Body Wraps (It Works! – must order online), razors, exfoliating scrub, exfoliating gloves, PLUS make sure you have everything you need for the day of the competition like suit, heels, jewelry, hair extensions, etc. (which I am assuming you have been buying/accumulating over the pasts 14 weeks)

Make all appointments in advance (hair, nails, make-up, tan)
Follow nutrition and workout plan as regular unless instructed by your coach.

**Consume NO MORE than 50mg of sodium per meal!!! (This is critical when it comes to meal prep – leave out ingredients if need be….watch your protein powders too…these can surprise you by how much sodium they have!)

Xpel:  take 2, twice a day

Water: Goal is at least 1 ½ Gallons (I managed to drink 220 oz….brownie points?)
Meals: followed plan to a t!

Workouts: Normally an off day, but am doing me Wednesday morning cardio session because I travel for work and won’t get all three of my workouts in on Wednesday, ugh!!  Successfully did an hour of sprints on the treadmill clocking in over 7 miles!!
Shaved arms and abs – feel a little cold and naked, but wow….it’s amazing how much more definition you see when you are hairless!

Mentally prepped for the week and I lounged around and relaxed the rest of the day!
Body Wraps (It Works!) at night – goal is to wear them for at least 8 hours.  This was absolutely freezing!!  And if you know me, you know I HATE being cold….it was definitely a long night of tossing and turning!


Weight: 113.8 lbs
Hips: 34 ½”

Waist: 24”
Xpel: take 2, twice a day

Water: Goal is at least 1 ½ Gallons (220 oz again!!)
Meals: followed plan to a t!

Workouts: 1 hour of morning cardio, 1 hour weight training over lunch (upper body), ½ hour cardio after work and a 15 min sauna session
Found out that I can’t have anymore coffee until Saturday L this is going to be a loooong week!!

Xpel – take 3, twice a day

Water – Goal is at least 1 ½ Gallons (235 oz)
Meals: Swapped out P28 Bread for Oatmeal w/ cinnamon and splenda in my first meal….this way I lower my sodium intake (and get a sweet kick to the morning since I no longer get coffee)

Workouts: 1 hour of morning cardio, 1 hour weight training over lunch (lower body)
Took pics for tomorrow mornings check-in cause I’ll already be up super early to get in a workout before I travel for work (ugh!)

Today was a little rough without coffee….good thing I was planning on hitting the hay early tonight anyways!
Wednesday: Travel to Dallas for work!

Weight: 112 lbs

Hips: 34”
Waist: 23 1/2”

According to my coach, I am spot on for the week!!  I hope I don’t retain and water with traveling today though!
Xpel – take 3, twice a day

Water – Goal is at least 1 ½ Gallons (255 oz)
Meals: Swapped out P28 Bread for Oatmeal w/ cinnamon and splenda in my first meal.  Everything else remained the same!

Workouts: 1 hour of early (3 am) morning weight training (upper body), 1/2 hour cardio session after business trip, with a 25 minute sauna session
I made it through the excruciatingly long day and it honestly wasn’t horrible…other than the warm salad and the frozen turkey burger….oh the sacrifices!

Tomorrow is my last day of cardio and weight training…I can’t believe I am only 3 days away!

Xpel – take 3, twice a day             
Water – Goal is at least 1 ½ Gallons (250 oz)

Last Cardio and Weight Training Sessions!!
Workouts: 1 hour of morning cardio, 1 hour weight training over lunch (lower body)

Pedicure Appointment!
Shave my entire body!!

Body Wraps (It Works!) at night – goal is to wear them for at least 8 hours…again, my least favorite part of this whole process!....I made it through 6 hours and then took them off so I could get a little shut eye!
Prep for tomorrow (make sure I have everything set for my final fitting, am ready for my tanning appointment, have alarms set for all my timed meetings/check-ins, etc).

Nerves are officially starting to kick in!

Weight: 111.2 lbs

Hips: 34”
Waist: 23 ½”

Xpel – take 3, twice a day
Water – 1 Liter (changed – Coach wants me to continue to hydrate)

12-2pm final suit fitting
                Friday night in ADDITION to dinner, add 6 oz steak and 6 oz white potato w/ 2 TBSP butter
                Saturday with breakfast, add 4 oz steak and 4 oz sweet potatoes with loads of honey
                Saturday before pre-judging, eat another 4 oz sweet potatoes with loads of honey
                Saturday throughout the day – eat rice cakes with loads of PB&J

4:15pm – first tan (they are of course running an hour behind) – honestly, such a weird experience!!  I feel like I’m a little blotchy, but I guess that is why they do touch ups tomorrow J
7-9pm – competition check-in – coaches checked us in so we only have to do the AM check in (prior to pre-judging)

Peak Week Wrap Up:
Peak week has been full of ups and downs!  I have gone through feeling 100% ready, to having a mid-week break down, to being totally drained of energy, to feeling like I am high as a kite!  Today especially through me for a loop when my coach called me to “change” all my peak week prep, but one thing I have learned throughout today, is that there is no point stressing about it, you just have to go with the flow! 

Well that’s all for tonight….it’s time to unwind, have my last meal of the day, and hit the hay for tomorrow is definitely going to be an eventful one!!
Stay tuned for the next edition of True Life: My First Body Competition – SHOWTIME!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

True Life: My First Body Competition - Getting Through the “Tough Times”

(tips and tricks to keep you disciplined)

You’re sitting on the couch watching tv or surfing the web and it hits you….you can’t stand this overwhelming feeling of wanting that chocolate molten lava cake or that Big Mac that just appeared on your TV or in the corner of your browser…you can’t take it anymore!  You feel like at any moment you could put a Dairy Queen out of business if you just stepped through their doors…what do you do?

Now that’s a good question…lucky for you, I’ve been there, craved that…now let’s ask the REAL question…are you hungry or are you craving something?  If you are hungry and you are close enough to your next meal, then eat it a little early.  If you are completely in between meals, chug ICE cold water!!!  It will fill your stomach and fulfill that hungry feeling (at least temporarily).  Also, by drinking ICE COLD water, your body is expelling extra energy to heat it up to your body temperature which means that you are burning extra calories in the process (which is definitely a win-win).  Another trick is to take a cheat pill (found at Complete Nutrition).  This helps relieve the hunger feeling and I can attest to it…it actually works and relatively fast!  Now if you are not truly hungry and are just craving something specific; like that Papa John’s Pizza that you practically smell through the TV…THAT is another story…

Cravings are mind over matter.  If you are craving flavors, that is totally fixable and can be handled with a guilt free give in.  If you are craving foods, that is a little more difficult and is more of a mind game.  Definitely try to just go with a guilt free give in, but if you must, choose a more “competitor friendly” substitute.

Guilt Free Give In’s:

Tea: The variety alone can appease almost any craving!

Hot Cinnamon Spice Tea – Cinnamon is a natural appetite suppressant and gives a “Dessert” or “Breakfast Pastry” effect

Almond or Vanilla Black Tea – These are more full flavored and full bodied teas, will almost a creamy texture and definitely helps appease a flavor craving as well as keeps you full

                Ginger Peach Green Tea (or any fruity tea)– hot or cold this is the perfect swap out for a soda or sports drink craving; throw in a little stevia and you’re all set!

Dandelion Root Tea – this is great if you are craving something salty!  This flavor, by no means, resembles a salty flavor; however, the bitterness cuts that craving right away.  Dandelion Root is also a natural diuretic, so not only will this tea help cut cravings, but it will help you shed a little extra water weight and detox your system too!

Spice it up: Try new Mrs. Dash Spices!! – These are all sodium free and can be added to all your food to add a variety of flavors (you’ll soon that cutting salt out of your diet really isn’t as hard as it would seem)!

Substitutes to Appease Cravings (when you are absolutely dying and the Guilt Free Give In’s aren’t working):

Protein PB Cups can replace a Protein Shake, HOWEVER, in most cases the PB is not approved on your nutrition plan, so try to avoid this is possible!

                Recipe: Mix 1 scoop of chocolate protein with 1 T cocoa powder, 3 t stevia, and 1/8 c water.  Layer chocolate mixture with 1 t PB in a lined muffin pan and put in the freezer until frozen.  One recipe will make approx. 2 PB cups.  Store in freezer (will melt and get gooey in the refrigerator).  Only downfall to this is that they need to be made in advance if you are in a craving pinch!

For a salty or spicy craving and the spices just aren’t cutting it, use a little salsa or low sodium hot sauce on your eggs.  Watch the sodium content, but sometimes if you give in a little it will cut the craving before it gets monstrous and you dream about salt licks (as scary as that sounds….that’s happened to me before)!  Just don’t make this a habit!  Remember, every decision you make effects your training and only you have the power to say no to yourself!

Latte/Mocha Cravings –Again, this one is pretty easy, and may even belong in the guilt-free category, depending on how strict you are with your coffee/protein.  Wait until your coffee cools to almost room temperature and add a half to a full scoop of either vanilla or chocolate protein powder and a couple packets of stevia (I typically use this as a protein shake substitute for one of my meals).  Throw in some ice to make it cold or pop it back in the microwave to heat it up!

Other tricks to get you through day in and day out…

Cook your food a different way

Use different Sodium-free seasonings

The power of protein àSwitch up your protein flavors and varieties!  There is pretty much a flavor out there for any sweet tooth!  (Also, using less water makes it more of a pudding or mousse consistency)

Do something to absolutely occupy your mind like clean or do the dishes, or better yet…PRACTICE YOUR POSING!!

One trick that I do weekly is make a list of all the things that I crave throughout the week and before my cheat meal I look at the list and ask myself, do I still crave that food?  If I do, then I incorporate it into my cheat meal, if I don’t then that just further proves to myself that cravings come and cravings go!  Remember, you worked WAY WAY WAY too hard to ruin it with a bite here or a lick there or worst yet, a splurge!

I hope this information, based on personal experiences and experimentation, has helped you out or at least triggered your brain into thinking about your cravings and what is REALLY going on in your brain!

Always remember that cravings are short lived, but when you give in to them, the guilt is not!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Day of Detox

So whether you’ve had a rough Saturday night, just got back from a vacation full of binging, didn’t get to the gym all week, are stressed…or just need to kick start a new diet or workout plan…a day of detox is a great way to get you back on track and reset not only your body, but also your mind!

Now throughout your day of detox, the goal is to remain relaxed and focused and today is truly about you!  It is going to be full of eating clean and getting rid of all toxins in your body and is a great way to clear your head.  Remember, a healthy body gives you peace of mind!
Upon waking (hopefully not to the buzzing of an alarm clock), take a thermogenic.  This will not only give you a little kick to wake you up, but will also heat your body up and start the fat burning process.
Wait 30-45 minutes and then have a nice healthy breakfast:
·         coffee or black tea (ease into your detox and get a little caffeine boost) 
·         3-4 Egg whites and fruit – melons, apples, and blueberries are great for detox
·         Supplements:  multi-vitamin and fish oil
Take a Yoga class.  If you don’t have a group class that you can take, invest in a yoga DVD or stream a yoga class through the internet (aim for at least 45 minutes of yoga and stretching).  Yoga stretches out your muscles and tendons and will get your blood flowing.  It also has a meditative affect and will clear your head.
After your yoga class, hit the sauna for a little extra sweat!  Once your body is heated up (you’ll know cause the sweat will start pouring), stay in the sauna for up to 10 minutes (I bring in a cold water bottle and if it is the same temp as the room, I have stayed in WAYYYYY too long).  An alternative option if you don’t have access to a sauna is to run a very hot hot hot bath (I like to pour bubble bath with eucalyptus in it – opens up your sinuses) and sit in the bath for a good 20 minutes, this will not only open up your pours, but you will continue to sweat out all those toxins.
Directly after your sauna or bath (within 45 minutes of your yoga class), drink a protein/detox shake.  Below is a recipe that I like to use, though feel free to mix it up!  The protein is necessary to help restore your muscles and will prevent any potential soreness.
Green Detox Shake: (high in protein and antioxidants)
·         2 handfuls of Spinach
·         1 apple
·         1 banana
·         1 cup of Greek yogurt
·         5 strawberries
·         ½ an orange
·         6-8 ice cubes
Blend well and enjoy!
Shower/relax – drink PLENTY of ICE water!!  You will burn additional calories with drinking ice water because your body needs to use more energy to heat it up to your body temperature.  Your goal should be to drink at least 10-12 glasses today!
Lunch – light salad with chicken or tuna – be careful of dressings!!  Go for a light or fat free dressing that isn’t high in sodium! (Remember: sodium causes bloat, which we are trying to get rid of today!)
Afternoon snack (high in protein and antioxidants) – Enjoy a serving of detox fruits (melons, berries, or an apple) with low fat cottage cheese or Greek yogurt
Dinner – Enjoy a side salad or steamed veggies with grilled fish or chicken (no red meat)
Before Bed - End your day with dandelion root tea.  Dandelion Root is a natural diuretic that stimulates the liver and supports healthy digestion.  Dandelion Root is an herbal tea and is naturally caffeine free so this will not keep you awake as you are winding down before bed.
Additional options/recommendations throughout the day to fully enjoy your day of detox:

At some point during the day, I put a deep cleansing or clarifying mask on.  This not only helps open up my pores, but also gives me a feel good, all around cleanse!

Drink at least 3 cups of green tea – keeps your metabolism high and will provide you with sustained antioxidants throughout the day.

Things to avoid on your day of detox: sugar, salt, carbonated beverages (cause bloat), excess fats and oils.

Why we are not cutting out food or food groups: You need to maintain your metabolism – so basically you still want to fuel your body and eat every 3 hours, and most importantly, you don’t want to “deprive” your body of anything.  This also prevents any cravings or any potential binges the next day.

I hope you all enjoy your day of detox as much as I do!!  I recommend having a day of detox as frequently as your schedule allows!  I try to do a Sunday day of detox every other week, or at least once a month!  Remember, this day is all about you and will not only restore your body, but will also help centralize you and clear your head!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

True Life: My First Body Competition - Supplementation

So since I started training for my first body competition with Twin Fitness, I have started using the supplement line that they endorse, 1st Phorm.  I have used these supplements for about 7 weeks now and if there is one thing I can tell you, I am definitely a fan!  They are a little on the pricy side, but one thing I decided on prior to training for my first body competition was that I would be all in, no matter what the cost.  Like the saying goes, go big or go home!!  After this competition, I might swap out some of the products, but there are definitely products that will become a staple no matter what I decide to train for next.

When looking into supplements, there are so many out there, that it is really hard to know which ones to try (especially if you are trying supplements for the first time).  My general rule of thumb is that I try to avoid as much sugar as possible and try to limit my fat and carb intake to minimal amounts.  You will be getting all of that in your diets already, so there is no need to consume any additional sugar, fats, or carbs in your supplement stacks. 
Also, know what your goal is prior to purchasing and consuming supplements.  And I am not just talking about what you are training FOR; I am talking about HOW you need to transform to get to your goal or competition.  For example, I am training for a body competition and am already close to my target body fat percentage, so I don’t need to lose any more fat, per se.  ALSO, I still need to add some muscle (which is the more difficult feat for me), so I am going to be consuming more mass building supplements.  On the flip side, a different person who is also training for a body competition might still need to lose 5-10% or more in body fat, so they might be consuming less calorically dense formulas that don’t have as many muscle builders.  So knowing HOW to reach your goal is just as important as having a goal to train for.

Below is the recommendation of the supplements that I am following, which I am definitely a proponent of!  I will also add some insight as to how to alter this depending on what your HOW is…
Anabolic Bridge – this supplement is a unique blend of amino acids and vitamins that helps your body stay in an anabolic state 24/7.  So I know that sounds like a lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo, but what that basically means is that it is keeping your body in its peak performance state.  Your body stays in this state by continually using essential amino acids (which you get from food or supplements) to maximize protein synthesis, which IN TURN, helps promote muscle growth and fat loss.  
When to take: upon waking (at least 30-45 mins prior to first meal) and before bed
Why: This will put your body in the anabolic state (which it most likely slipped out of while you were sleeping) first thing in the morning.  This will aid in maximizing the protein synthesis during your morning workout (since you probable haven’t eaten for 8 hours).  ALSO take this before you go to bed.  This will keep your body in this state for a few more hours as you sleep, giving you a virtually 24/7 anabolic state.  You may be asking, why don’t I take this during the day?  Well there really isn’t a need to if you are eating every 2-3 hours for your body is getting the essential amino acids from your food sources.  That being said, if you haven’t had a meal in over 4 hours, definitely take some Anabolic Bridge to keep your body from slipping out of that anabolic state.

Thermogenic Supplements: A thermogenic supplement is a product that causes your body to produce heat through metabolic stimulation.  So, in layman’s terms, this product not only gives you energy, but it also will help you burn fat.  Now I recommend ordering the following energy supplements off of the 1st Phorm website, for I have seen incredible results with these products.  Moving forward, these will become staples in my daily routine. 
The following should be taken together:

BMR Bliss (BMR Commander – male version): In addition to the thermogenic benefits, the other ingredients in this supplement help cut cravings, balance your mood, and promote a naturally stable production of hormones (which we all know tend to be a roller coaster throughout training).
Thyro-Drive: This supplement stimulates your body’s thyroid, which will enhance the effects of the BMR Bliss or the BMR Commander which will help you maintain a higher metabolic rate throughout the day.
When to take: pre workout (before morning cardio – on an empty stomach) and mid-day (prior to 2 pm).

Multivitamin: I’m not going to go into too much detail, but EVERYONE should be taking a multivitamin daily!  I don’t want to hear any excuses, especially the popular, “I don’t feel like paying for expensive pee!”  When taking a multivitamin, make sure that you are spending that extra money to get one that absorbs completely in your system.  Trust me, if you are consuming the right one, you won’t just end up with expensive pee, you will end up with energy and balance (and the expensive pee is just an added benefit)!  One that I recommend that I have recently been taking is Double X by Nutrilite.  This is the MEGA multivitamin!  It not only has everything that you need in a daily multivitamin (12 vitamins and 10 minerals), but it also contains phytonutrients from 20 plant concentrates and dissolves 100% in your body.  If you are interested in where to find this supplement, please let me know! (I can get you some pretty good discounts)
When to take: take with your first meal of the day (don’t take on an empty stomach – can cause nausea)

Fish Oil:  So I know this might just seem like the new craze, but there is a method to all the madness around this new, “necessary” supplement.  Fish Oil is recommended because it provides 300 milligrams of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are proven to help maintain triglycerides which are essential in maintaining your cellular, heart, and metabolic health.  These 300 mg of Omega-3’s are broken up into EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).  When you go to buy Fish Oil, please look into the ingredients!!  A lot of fish oils out there have a lot of other crap in the supplement and not enough of the Omega-3’s!  Two brands that I have tried and recommend are Nature’s Bounty Fish Oil and Nutrilite Ocean Essentials.
When to take: Take 1 serving with breakfast, and up to 2 additional servings throughout the day.

Recovery Formula:  This is important and essential to repairing and growing your muscles.  Recovery formula will not only prevent any post workout soreness, but it will also help you recover quicker so you can pound your body day after day at the gym without feeling fatigued.  When choosing a recovery formula, this is where it is really important to know the HOW! 
Below is what I am currently taking because my HOW is to build muscle:

Phormula 1 and Ignition:  Phormula 1 is a low temperature processed protein.  This process is essential in aiding in your body’s ability to absorb the protein (high temp processing alters the supplements properties).  Phormula 1 has 5g BCAA’s (branched-chain amino acids) which, in a nut shell, are the 3 most necessary amino acids used in protein synthesis.  I mix the Phormula 1 with Ignition, which spikes your insulin levels, which allows the protein to reach your muscles immediately which will promote more significant muscular gains.  This combination recovery formula has a LOT of sugar, so ONLY use this when building muscle.
Below is what I WILL be taking because my HOW will be to recover without building muscle and without adding any additional carbs: (I will start using 4 weeks out from my show)

                Blox Amino: This recovery formula doesn’t have any fat, or any carbs.  Blox Amino is made up of SAA’s (silk amino acids) and provide you with 5 of the 18 essential amino acids, which, when taken in the right combinations, provide optimum recovery and muscular gains.
Protein Powder:  BE CAREFUL!!  A lot of protein formulas have a LOT of sugar in them!!  You DO NOT want to be consuming this much sugar!  This supplement is where you have to read every line of the label!

                1st Phorm Level 1: Contains 5g of BCAA’s and contains low temperature processed protein.  Again, low temperature processed protein is easier for your body to absorb and use.  I personally like the texture and the mix-ability of this protein powder.  There are very few protein powders that taste good when mixes with water, and this is one of them!  (I recommend ice cream sandwich flavor)
                Suitable Alternatives:

MGN Pure Isolate Protein Powder – This protein powder is similar to Level 1 in that it is processed with low temperature micro/ultra-filtration.  This type is low carbs and zero fat and is even gluten free.  I have tried the Rocky Road flavor and absolutely love it!!  This is definitely a more cost effective protein powder and has a good blend of your essential amino acids.  This also mixes well with water, however has more of a liquid consistency instead of a shake consistency!
                Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein (yes the Wal-Mart brand):  This is the best, cheap alternative that isn’t loaded with all the crap that is in the majority of the protein powders out there!  This protein powder contains 8g of BCAA’s (per 2 scoop serving) and is low fat and low carb.  This doesn’t mix as well with water.  One mixing tip would be to use ½ the recommended amount of water so the flavor is stronger.
When to take: Take these in between our main meals as “snacks”.  I have 2-3 protein shakes a day.

Now in additional to the supplements listed above, I am sure there are arguably additional or “better” supplements out there; HOWEVER, these are what I recommend based on experience.  I recommend the above supplements to not only everyone training for a body competition, but any one that is doing moderate to intense workouts (of course some I recommended to EVERYONE).  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Stay tuned for more to come on True Life: My First Body Competition.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

True Life: My First Body Competition - Nutrition

When it comes to body shaping, genetics is only 10%, training is only 10% and I bet you can guess what the other 80% is….that’s right, NUTRITION!

Nutrition is such an important aspect and yet is the least understood by even the most “fit” individuals out there.  Remember, not all carbs and fats are bad for you!  Eliminating these from your diet will actually hinder your body from reaching its peak.  I am not a nutritionist or a registered dietitian, so I am not going to give a nutrition plan or anything along those lines, but a general rule of thumb is that you should eat more proteins that carbs and more carbs than fats as it relates to your daily caloric intake.

Tips and tricks I learned so far with Body Competition food prep:

·         Weight/measure out EVERYTHING!  When counting calories (which is the key to success with training), there is no such thing as eyeballing it.  Trust me, even the best cooks and most disciplined competitors will underestimate the veggies and overestimate the oils.  I suggest measuring everything out, even when it comes to meat and protein portions.  You worked too hard to consume even an extra 100 calories a day!

·         Prepare all meals in advance and carry extra “emergency meals” with you at all times!  An emergency meal could be a protein shake and low calorie snack, such as some almonds or a few rice cakes.  You never know when you’re in a pinch, so plan for it!  By planning ahead you not only have everything portioned out, but you also can eat on schedule.

·         Schedule out your 6 meals a day!  Eating every 2-3 hours keeps your metabolism up and helps keep away those hunger pangs and cravings!

·         Eat your entire meal!  Don’t stop eating because you are full!  You are on a strict plan for a reason and every calorie counts both positive and negative.  Plus it will help tide you over until your next meal!

·         Drink plenty of water! There is no such thing as drinking too much water during training!  A general rule of thumb is if you are thirsty, your body is already dehydrated.

·         Stick to approved spices and seasonings!  Salt is not part of a competition diet for a reason!  It fuels cravings and causes you to retain water….none of which is good!  Stick with splenda/stevia, cinnamon and sodium free spices!

The most important thing that I cannot stress enough is to plan, plan, PLAN ahead!!  It is the key factor to staying on track and your body shaping success!

Sunday, February 17, 2013

True Life: My First Body Competition

Oh where to being…it was a cold and stormy night and I was lying on my couch after eating at least one too many slices of Pizza Hut’s Fiery Hawaiian Pizza, feeling absolutely stuffed and disgusting when it hit me….I have been way too lazy lately.  What happened to that girl who, less than a year ago, was on a competition kick?  Who was waking up at the crack of dawn to run 10 miles, or who was jumping into the 42 degree Musconetcong River to prep for the Tough Mudder?  Over the past 10 months, my life has changed completely!  I took the plunge and quit my job to move half way across the country and restart life as I know it and I absolutely love every decision that I have made.  But let’s be honest, it’s time….

I’ve been training for a body competition for about a month now and I have already learned and physically changed so much!  As usual, I totally underestimate my potential when it comes to training and seeing results.  I am only a month in and still have 10 weeks until my first body competition, so I can only imagine how rewarding the results are going to be when I step on the stage for the first time in 10 weeks!
One thing that I love about training for this body competition is that it is completely different than any competition I have ever trained for.  This is not something that is a simple 1-2 hour a day focused training program, this is a complete lifestyle change.  With this training, you are in 24/7 competition mode.  Your diet changes, your workouts change, your sleep pattern changes, even your circle of friends change.  It is very easy to understand how this is a close knit is not only an adaptation to an average day, it is a lifestyle.  That being said…there is no slacking off, or skipping a day, or being able to “bounce back” from a killer party weekend…this takes 100 percent discipline and dedication and is only for people who take competition training seriously!

One thing that I did, that is worth every penny I invested into this training so far, is hire a training coach.  This was literally, the best investment I have made in “me” in a very long time and I would recommend, if you can afford it, to hire one as well if you are training for a body competition.  That being said, definitely do your research.  There is everything out there from just regular trainers who have no clue about the sport of body competitions, to completely online money draining programs, to dedicated coaches who are passionate about the sport and live for seeing their trainees succeed.  After my extensive research (as I lay on the couch finishing off the last slice of pizza) I found a perfectly suitable, local training studio.  After meeting with my coach, I realized that I literally hit the gold mine when it came to finding a training coach.
After an awesome consultation, I was extremely eager to sign up with Twin Fitness and become the newest addition to their Elite Coaching team.  As part of the coaching package, I receive continuous coach and fellow competitor support.  I have a tailored training plan based on my weekly progress, and I have a constantly changing, yet fun and exciting nutrition guide.  How can the nutrition part be fun and exciting you ask?  Doesn’t everyone just eat dry chicken and broccoli for 3-4 months?  Maybe that’s how they did it back in Arnold’s day, but since then, the training for this sport has definitely evolved.  So back to this amazing food…Well, the twins that own Twin Fitness are both wives and mothers and have competed in countless competitions, AND are REAL people with real and very normal lives!  Yes, they have families, yes, they own their own company, and yes, they understand how extremely difficult and disciplined training NEEDS to be, so they created their very own competition cook book which is jam packed with competition friendly and AMAZING recipes.   I’m talking pulled chicken, orange marmalade turkey burgers, sweet potato fries, almond protein truffles, guacamole…and the list goes on and on.  Bet you never thought you could eat all that and STILL be training for a body competition!  Along with the great recipes, nutrition and exercise plan and 24/7 support, I also have access to posing seminars, stage prep seminars and countless other support classes, workshops, and workout bootcamps.

That being said, my lifestyle has completely changed over the past month.  Long gone is that cold and stormy winter day where I sat on the coach wallowed in my laziness.  And although it was really tough at first, “competition training” has truly become second nature.

Day in the life…
4:30 wake up (energy supplements) and 45-50 mins of cardio

6:30 breakfast – egg whites, oatmeal, coffee (multi-vitamin and fish oil) and skype date (yes my better half is overseas through this entire process)
7:15 leave for work (yes I have an 8-5 like the rest of the working world)

9:30 Snack – protein shake and rice cake
12:30 Lunch – meat, veggies, small serving of “good” carbs

3:30 Snack – protein shake and rice cake
5:30 Weight training workout, recovery drink

6:30 Dinner – meat, veggies, small serving of “good” carbs
7-9:30 the cravings hit, so I sip on cinnamon spice tea (natural hunger suppressant) and water

9:30 Snack – egg whites
10:00 Bed time (after a very exhausting day!)

Check out the below link if you’d like to learn more about training with Twin Fitness or if you are interested in purchasing the AMAZING cookbook (Competitive Edge Elite Coaching Cookbook)…after trying several of these recipes, I definitely think it is worth it!

Stay tuned for more to come on “True Life: My First Body Competition”!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year....Bring on 2013!!

Like the rest of you, my 6 week holiday extravaganza included a lot of eating, a lot of cookies, a lot of adult beverages….and very few workouts!
Also, like 80% of the rest of the world, I found myself feeling a little soft and went to the gym for a little new year, new goals, new expectations pick me up!  To my surprise, the gym was emptier than I find it during my 5 am workouts.  What I conclude from that is that way too many people partied a little too hard last night and aren’t starting their New Year’s resolution for a few more days (or at least a few more hours).
So for everyone that needs a place to start that may not be stepping into the gym, I have found the perfect ap to help jumpstart your 2013….
MyFitness Pal
This ap is easy and motivational and takes very little effort to keep up with…so while you are all sitting on the couch, trying to find the motivation to start your new year’s resolutions, pick up your phone or grab your computer (or tablet) and sign up…no excuses!
This ap is a FREE way of helping you track your calories, workouts, and even use the buddy system to help you achieve your fitness goals.  This tracker already has millions of foods preloaded into their database to help make tracking as easy and convenient as possible.  In addition, as you enter new foods or new workouts into your tracker, it automatically saves everything you do to make it that much more convenient as you continue to use your tracker.
Studies show that tracking your calories and physically writing down what you eat, makes you more aware of what you are consuming and will double your weight loss success.
Don’t need to lose weight? This ap also helps you maintain or gain as to whatever your fitness goals are.
Try it….you won’t be disappointed!