Sunday, March 3, 2013

True Life: My First Body Competition - Supplementation

So since I started training for my first body competition with Twin Fitness, I have started using the supplement line that they endorse, 1st Phorm.  I have used these supplements for about 7 weeks now and if there is one thing I can tell you, I am definitely a fan!  They are a little on the pricy side, but one thing I decided on prior to training for my first body competition was that I would be all in, no matter what the cost.  Like the saying goes, go big or go home!!  After this competition, I might swap out some of the products, but there are definitely products that will become a staple no matter what I decide to train for next.

When looking into supplements, there are so many out there, that it is really hard to know which ones to try (especially if you are trying supplements for the first time).  My general rule of thumb is that I try to avoid as much sugar as possible and try to limit my fat and carb intake to minimal amounts.  You will be getting all of that in your diets already, so there is no need to consume any additional sugar, fats, or carbs in your supplement stacks. 
Also, know what your goal is prior to purchasing and consuming supplements.  And I am not just talking about what you are training FOR; I am talking about HOW you need to transform to get to your goal or competition.  For example, I am training for a body competition and am already close to my target body fat percentage, so I don’t need to lose any more fat, per se.  ALSO, I still need to add some muscle (which is the more difficult feat for me), so I am going to be consuming more mass building supplements.  On the flip side, a different person who is also training for a body competition might still need to lose 5-10% or more in body fat, so they might be consuming less calorically dense formulas that don’t have as many muscle builders.  So knowing HOW to reach your goal is just as important as having a goal to train for.

Below is the recommendation of the supplements that I am following, which I am definitely a proponent of!  I will also add some insight as to how to alter this depending on what your HOW is…
Anabolic Bridge – this supplement is a unique blend of amino acids and vitamins that helps your body stay in an anabolic state 24/7.  So I know that sounds like a lot of scientific mumbo-jumbo, but what that basically means is that it is keeping your body in its peak performance state.  Your body stays in this state by continually using essential amino acids (which you get from food or supplements) to maximize protein synthesis, which IN TURN, helps promote muscle growth and fat loss.  
When to take: upon waking (at least 30-45 mins prior to first meal) and before bed
Why: This will put your body in the anabolic state (which it most likely slipped out of while you were sleeping) first thing in the morning.  This will aid in maximizing the protein synthesis during your morning workout (since you probable haven’t eaten for 8 hours).  ALSO take this before you go to bed.  This will keep your body in this state for a few more hours as you sleep, giving you a virtually 24/7 anabolic state.  You may be asking, why don’t I take this during the day?  Well there really isn’t a need to if you are eating every 2-3 hours for your body is getting the essential amino acids from your food sources.  That being said, if you haven’t had a meal in over 4 hours, definitely take some Anabolic Bridge to keep your body from slipping out of that anabolic state.

Thermogenic Supplements: A thermogenic supplement is a product that causes your body to produce heat through metabolic stimulation.  So, in layman’s terms, this product not only gives you energy, but it also will help you burn fat.  Now I recommend ordering the following energy supplements off of the 1st Phorm website, for I have seen incredible results with these products.  Moving forward, these will become staples in my daily routine. 
The following should be taken together:

BMR Bliss (BMR Commander – male version): In addition to the thermogenic benefits, the other ingredients in this supplement help cut cravings, balance your mood, and promote a naturally stable production of hormones (which we all know tend to be a roller coaster throughout training).
Thyro-Drive: This supplement stimulates your body’s thyroid, which will enhance the effects of the BMR Bliss or the BMR Commander which will help you maintain a higher metabolic rate throughout the day.
When to take: pre workout (before morning cardio – on an empty stomach) and mid-day (prior to 2 pm).

Multivitamin: I’m not going to go into too much detail, but EVERYONE should be taking a multivitamin daily!  I don’t want to hear any excuses, especially the popular, “I don’t feel like paying for expensive pee!”  When taking a multivitamin, make sure that you are spending that extra money to get one that absorbs completely in your system.  Trust me, if you are consuming the right one, you won’t just end up with expensive pee, you will end up with energy and balance (and the expensive pee is just an added benefit)!  One that I recommend that I have recently been taking is Double X by Nutrilite.  This is the MEGA multivitamin!  It not only has everything that you need in a daily multivitamin (12 vitamins and 10 minerals), but it also contains phytonutrients from 20 plant concentrates and dissolves 100% in your body.  If you are interested in where to find this supplement, please let me know! (I can get you some pretty good discounts)
When to take: take with your first meal of the day (don’t take on an empty stomach – can cause nausea)

Fish Oil:  So I know this might just seem like the new craze, but there is a method to all the madness around this new, “necessary” supplement.  Fish Oil is recommended because it provides 300 milligrams of Omega-3 fatty acids, which are proven to help maintain triglycerides which are essential in maintaining your cellular, heart, and metabolic health.  These 300 mg of Omega-3’s are broken up into EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid) and DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid).  When you go to buy Fish Oil, please look into the ingredients!!  A lot of fish oils out there have a lot of other crap in the supplement and not enough of the Omega-3’s!  Two brands that I have tried and recommend are Nature’s Bounty Fish Oil and Nutrilite Ocean Essentials.
When to take: Take 1 serving with breakfast, and up to 2 additional servings throughout the day.

Recovery Formula:  This is important and essential to repairing and growing your muscles.  Recovery formula will not only prevent any post workout soreness, but it will also help you recover quicker so you can pound your body day after day at the gym without feeling fatigued.  When choosing a recovery formula, this is where it is really important to know the HOW! 
Below is what I am currently taking because my HOW is to build muscle:

Phormula 1 and Ignition:  Phormula 1 is a low temperature processed protein.  This process is essential in aiding in your body’s ability to absorb the protein (high temp processing alters the supplements properties).  Phormula 1 has 5g BCAA’s (branched-chain amino acids) which, in a nut shell, are the 3 most necessary amino acids used in protein synthesis.  I mix the Phormula 1 with Ignition, which spikes your insulin levels, which allows the protein to reach your muscles immediately which will promote more significant muscular gains.  This combination recovery formula has a LOT of sugar, so ONLY use this when building muscle.
Below is what I WILL be taking because my HOW will be to recover without building muscle and without adding any additional carbs: (I will start using 4 weeks out from my show)

                Blox Amino: This recovery formula doesn’t have any fat, or any carbs.  Blox Amino is made up of SAA’s (silk amino acids) and provide you with 5 of the 18 essential amino acids, which, when taken in the right combinations, provide optimum recovery and muscular gains.
Protein Powder:  BE CAREFUL!!  A lot of protein formulas have a LOT of sugar in them!!  You DO NOT want to be consuming this much sugar!  This supplement is where you have to read every line of the label!

                1st Phorm Level 1: Contains 5g of BCAA’s and contains low temperature processed protein.  Again, low temperature processed protein is easier for your body to absorb and use.  I personally like the texture and the mix-ability of this protein powder.  There are very few protein powders that taste good when mixes with water, and this is one of them!  (I recommend ice cream sandwich flavor)
                Suitable Alternatives:

MGN Pure Isolate Protein Powder – This protein powder is similar to Level 1 in that it is processed with low temperature micro/ultra-filtration.  This type is low carbs and zero fat and is even gluten free.  I have tried the Rocky Road flavor and absolutely love it!!  This is definitely a more cost effective protein powder and has a good blend of your essential amino acids.  This also mixes well with water, however has more of a liquid consistency instead of a shake consistency!
                Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein (yes the Wal-Mart brand):  This is the best, cheap alternative that isn’t loaded with all the crap that is in the majority of the protein powders out there!  This protein powder contains 8g of BCAA’s (per 2 scoop serving) and is low fat and low carb.  This doesn’t mix as well with water.  One mixing tip would be to use ½ the recommended amount of water so the flavor is stronger.
When to take: Take these in between our main meals as “snacks”.  I have 2-3 protein shakes a day.

Now in additional to the supplements listed above, I am sure there are arguably additional or “better” supplements out there; HOWEVER, these are what I recommend based on experience.  I recommend the above supplements to not only everyone training for a body competition, but any one that is doing moderate to intense workouts (of course some I recommended to EVERYONE).  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
Stay tuned for more to come on True Life: My First Body Competition.


  1. Hi there. Great post. Sounds like these supplements have given you some great success. I know this post is a little old, but I am wondering if you've found other supplements to replace the ones above that you might recommend instead.

    Also how much was the monthly average price of the stack you described above.

    I ask because my wife who is a personal trainer is thinking about competing one day. Multi-vitamins, proteins, fat burners, recovery drinks, fish oils etc are staples in our lifestyles too, but we're always looking for new info. It is good to find someone with experience.


  2. Hi there. Great post. Sounds like these supplements have given you some great success. I know this post is a little old, but I am wondering if you've found other supplements to replace the ones above that you might recommend instead.

    Also how much was the monthly average price of the stack you described above.

    I ask because my wife who is a personal trainer is thinking about competing one day. Multi-vitamins, proteins, fat burners, recovery drinks, fish oils etc are staples in our lifestyles too, but we're always looking for new info. It is good to find someone with experience.

