Saturday, December 31, 2011

Half Marathon Training in Review

I definitely think I trained correctly for my first half marathon.  My goal was to run at least a 10 minute mile and to finish the half marathon in 2:11, and would be extremely happy if I finished in 2 hours.  To my surprise, I finished the half marathon in 1:55 without even trying to maintain speed or break a certain time goal.

I started training 10 weeks prior to the half marathon with starting to taper off my training 2 weeks prior to the race.  I changed my diet from eating a good portion of protein and few carbs to eating primarily carbs and barely any protein.  This is very important in providing endurance energy for your body burns calories by utilizing carbs, proteins, and then fats.  With little to no carbs in your diet, you are primarily burning muscle which leads to low energy, greater muscle soreness, and overall greater fatigue.  Though I didn’t log my diet, or really pay attention to what and when exactly I ate, my diet consisted mostly of whole grain cereal, sandwiches, and pasta.  As I wasn’t trying to lose any weight during this training, I found a lot of joy indulging in many sweets which I tend to stay away from in the off season.

Seeing as I finished my first half marathon in an unexpected time, I would like to train for another half marathon and work on increasing my speed.  As to when I would like to complete this challenge, I haven’t put too much thought into it.  At the moment there are many other new challenges I would like to take on first.

10 Week Training Schedule:
Week 1:
Mon- Rest; Tue- 3.5 mi; Wed- Circuit Training; Thur- 3 mi; Fri- Rest; Sat- 6 mi; Sun- 3 mi EZ
Week 2:
Mon- Rest; Tue- 3.5 mi; Wed- Circuit Training; Thur- 4 mi; Fri- Rest; Sat- 7 mi; Sun- 3 mi EZ
Week 3:
Mon- Rest; Tue- 4 mi; Wed- Circuit Training; Thur- 3 mi; Fri- Rest; Sat- 8 mi; Sun- 3.5 mi EZ
Week 4:
Mon- Rest; Tue- 4 mi; Wed- Circuit Training; Thur- 4 mi; Fri- Rest; Sat- 9 mi; Sun- 3.5 mi EZ
Week 5:
Mon- Circuit Training; Tue- 4 mi; Wed- Rest; Thur- 10 mi; Fri- 3.5 EZ; Sat- 4 mi; Sun- Rest
Week 6:
Mon- Circuit Training; Tue- 3 mi; Wed- Rest; Thur- 8 mi; Fri- 4 EZ; Sat- 4.5 mi; Sun- Rest
Week 7:
Mon- Circuit Training; Tue- 4 mi; Wed- Rest; Thur- 10 mi; Fri- 3 EZ; Sat- 5 mi; Sun- Rest
Week 8:
Mon- Circuit Training; Tue- 3 mi; Wed- Rest; Thur- 12 mi; Fri- 3 EZ; Sat- 4.5 mi; Sun- Rest
Week 9:
Mon- 3 mi; Tue- Rest; Wed- 4 mi; Thur- Circuit Training; Fri- 3 mi; Sat- Rest; Sun- 5 mi
Week 10:
Mon- 2.5 mi; Tue- Rest; Wed- 3 mi; Thur- 30 min; Fri- Rest; Sat- 20 min; Sun- RACE DAY!

Sept. 11, 2011: Lehigh Valley Half Marathon

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